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data class AttemptedModelDescription(    val name: String? = null,     val mae: Double? = null,     val key: String? = null,     val hash: String? = null,     val id: Int? = null,     val type: String? = null,     val url: String? = null)

Model description received from the API Server (if available)

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data class CurrentDownloads(val models: List<DownloadOperation>? = null, val tfModels: List<DownloadOperation>? = null)

Active or just finished download operations.

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data class DownloadOperation(    val tag: Tag? = null,     val url: String? = null,     val bytesLoaded: Long? = null,     val progress: Double,     val isFinished: Boolean)

A description of download operation (active or just finished).

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data class DownloadProgress(val currentDownloads: CurrentDownloads? = null) : Event

Event data class used to inform the Host app on the progress of active downloads

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data class EndpointData(val baseUrl: String, val authInfo: AuthInfo? = null)

Describes a remote server endpoint combined with designated parameters.

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data class EndpointErrorEvent(    val url: String? = null,     val webRequestResult: Int? = null,     val webRequestResultDescription: String?,     val responseCode: Short? = null,     val errors: List<Error>,     val rawResponse: String? = null) : Event

Event data class used to report failure to get data from remote API server.

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data class Error(val message: String? = null, val reason: String?)

Single error of endpoint.

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data class ErrorReport(val failedStep: String? = null, val additionalInfo: String? = null)

Generic and minimalistic description of some failure.

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sealed class Event

Superclass for all the events

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data class HandDetectorReplacedEvent(val tfOutputFormat: TfOutputFormat? = null) : Event

Event data class used to inform the host on the activation of Hand Detector.

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data class HandDetectorState(    val isLoaded: Boolean,     val isLoading: Boolean,     val downloadOperations: List<DownloadOperation> = emptyList())

Contains all the information about the hand detector.

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data class ModelInfo(val hash: String? = null, val modelPath: String? = null)

Information on the local version of TF Model.

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data class RingLoadingFailure(val ring: Ring, val failedLoadingStep: String? = null)

Data class used to describe a failure with displaying a ring.

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data class RingState(    val displayedRing: Ring? = null,     val pendingReplacement: Ring? = null,     val downloadOperations: List<DownloadOperation> = emptyList(),     val ringsAlive: List<RingModel> = emptyList())

Contains all the information about the ring.

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data class RingTag(val model: RingModel? = null) : Tag

RingModel-based tag using for the ring download operation.

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data class SceneState(val handDetectorState: HandDetectorState, val ringStates: RingState)

State of the current scene.

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data class StringTag(val info: String? = null) : Tag

String-based tag using for TF Models download operations.

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sealed class Tag

Purpose of the download operation.

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data class TfModelsUpdateCheckpoint(val fingerModelReport: TfModelUpdateReport? = null, val handModelReport: TfModelUpdateReport? = null) : Event

Event data class used to inform about the presence/absence of errors in the loading of TensorFlow neural models.

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data class TfModelUpdateReport(    val attemptedEndpoint: EndpointData? = null,     val attemptedModelDescription: AttemptedModelDescription? = null,     val errorReport: ErrorReport? = null,     val loadedModelInfo: ModelInfo? = null,     val fallbackModelInfo: ModelInfo? = null)

A report on the outcome of TensorFlow neural model loading operation.

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data class TfOutputFormat(    val enumValue: Int? = null,     val enumValueString: String? = null,     val spatialDimensionality: Int? = null,     val pointsPerFinger: Int? = null,     val maxFingersCount: Int? = null)

The information about the format of the neural model.

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data class UnexpectedSslCertFingerprintEvent(val sslCertFingerprint: String? = null) : Event

Event data class used to report mismatch of sent SSL Certificate Fingerprint with the one on the server.